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LOLER Testing

Do you work with lifting equipment?

If you are an employer or self-employed person providing lifting equipment for use at work or you have control of the use of lifting equipment, then LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998) apply to you.


Legal Responsibilities

While your employees do not have duties under LOLER, they do have general duties under the HSW (Health & Safety at Work) Act and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 (MHSWR); for example to take reasonable care of themselves and others who may be affected by their actions and to co-operate with others.

AbilityPlus provide a servicing and maintenance service for Stairlifts, hoists, bath lifts, stand aids and our LOLER test and servicing contracts includes maintaining your asset register, an automatic booking service so you don’t need to worry about scheduling and we also offer a sling inspection service to ensure your slings are compliant and safe.

We can even PAT test the equipment at the same time.

As a preferred supplier to both the local authority and NHS you can be sure that our engineers are of the highest standard and because we only cover Kent we provide industry leading response times.

Contact Our LOLER Manager

For an information pack and pricing contact Jamie,,  and ask about our ‘one site’ discount which offers further savings on our already competitive pricing.

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